Taquile, Puno © Munayki Perú

Taquile, Puno © Munayki Perú

Llanganuco, Huaraz, Peru

Llanganuco, Huaraz © Munayki Perú

Paracas, Ica © Munayki Perú

Paracas, Ica © Munayki Perú

Uros, Puno © Munayki Perú

Uros, Puno © Munayki Perú

Lima, Peru

Lima © Munayki Perú

Bird watching amazon jungle

Amazonas, Birdwatching © Munayki Perú

Peru Inca trail Machu Picchu

The majestic Inca Trail to Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu, Cusco
04 days / 03 nights

The unique and amazing Inca trail to Machu Picchu is a hike that is perfect if you love to explore and of course hike long distances through amazing places. Please find below the description of this wonderful experience:

Day 01: Cusco – KM 82 – Wayllabamba – Yuncachimpa 
We will leave Cusco (3350m/10990f) at 5:30am by tourist bus and head for the Sacred Valley of the Incas. Before we reach our starting point, KM 82, we will have a short break in Ollantaytambo to take breakfast. The official beginning of the Inca Trail is called KM 82. Here we will meet the rest of the group and take care of the registration formalities. After crossing the Rio Urubamba (2200m) we will start the legendary Inca Trail. The first day of the trail is easy to walk and a good warm up for the following days.
In Miskay we’ll have lunch at a small river bank while our guide will give you some information about the archaeological complex of Llactapata. After that, we will continue our hike to Wayllabamba (3100m/10170f) and ascend to Yuncachimpa (3300m/10826f), the camping site we will spend the night on. From here, we have a great view of the mysterious Nevado de Verónica.

Level of difficulty: Moderate
Hiking time: 6-7 hours
Total distance: 11km approx.

Day 02: Yuncachimpa – Llulluchapampa – Warmihuañusca pass – Pacaymayu – Runkurakay pass – Chaquicocha
The second day is the ‘Free-Hike-Day’, this means that everybody should walk in his/her own pace. Of course you will meet during the small breaks or see each other while beating the stairs.
Early in the morning the trail first leads through the Valley of Llulluchapampa (3850m/12631f). The first 3km are steps – enjoy the humid woodland and the water sounds. From Llulluchapampa follow the way for 2-3 hours until you reach the highest point of this section, the Warmihuañusca (Dead Woman Pass) (4200m/113780f). This climb is known as the most difficult part of the Inca Trail. After a short break at the summit, you continue your hike down with a long and steep descent to the river Pacaymayu (Sunrise River) towards the Runkurakay pass (3050m/10007f) until you reach our camp site called Chaquicocha at (3650m/11975f). Here you can relax from the tough day while enjoying an amazing view over the mountains.

Level of difficulty: challenging
Hiking time: 8-9 hours
Total distance: 15 km approx.

Day 03: Chaquicocha – Phuyupatamarca – Wiñayhuayna
The third day is the most beautiful one. You can notice a change in the eco-system while walking to the tropical forest of Wiñayhuayna. We will pass two small lakes at the top of the second pass (3950m). It’s a gentle climb through beautiful cloud forest and a small Inca tunnel before the third pass (3700m) offers a grand view over the Rio Urubamba Valley. The nearest settlement is named Phuyupatamarca/”Town above the clouds” (3600m/11811f). A well preserved site with long chain Inca baths where one can enjoy impressive ancient engineering. We pass another Inca tunnel before visiting the ruins of Wiñayhuayna/”Forever young” (2650m/8694f). The Inca stairs change into a zigzag trail until you reach a red-roofed white building, our last camping site.

Level of difficulty: normal
Hiking time: 5-6 hours
Total distance: 10 km Approx.

Day 04:  Wiñayhuayna – Machu Picchu
After our breakfast at 4:30am we will head, equipped with our flashlights, to the Inti Punku (Sun Gate) to get the first glimpse of Machu Picchu and watch the sunrise over Machu Picchu. The last triumphal descent of our inca trail will take almost one hour before visiting the citadel of Machu Picchu (2400m//7874f) around 8.00am.
You can enjoy its spiritual charm during a guided tour (about two hours) that helps you to understand the meaning and ancient use of the different buildings. After this tour you will have enough time to explore the archaeological site on your own (f.ex. go to the Inca Bridge, explore the variety of buildings or climb Huayna Picchu for an amazing panorama picture). Afterwards, we will take a bus to the town of Machu Picchu (called before Aguas Calientes town). You will have time to stroll around and take lunch before we return to Cusco by train and by bus.

Level of difficulty: normal
Hiking time: 2-3 hours
Total distance: 7 km approx.

End of our services

Inca Trail 4 Days (Group Departure)

  • Private transfer from your hotel in Cusco to KM 82.
  • Tourist train from Aguas Calientes to Ollantaytambo and bus to Cusco.
  • Transfer from the train station in Ollantaytambo to your hotel in Cusco.
  • Entrance fees to the Inca trail and Machu Picchu.
  • Professional bilingual guide (Spanish and English).
  • Camping equipment (professional two-persons tents: Doite, model Cima 4, extra light/4kg, Doite, model Kailas 3, extra light/4.5kg and Doite, model Himalaya, extra light/4.5kg; sleeping mats, dining tent equipped with a table and chairs, a sanitary tent).
  • Cook, cooking equipment, meals (3 breakfasts, 3 lunches and 3 dinners). Food includes pancakes, omelettes, soups, fresh fruit and spaghetti, chicken, fish, meat and rice, all rich in carbohydrates and very suitable for trekking, hot drinks including coca leafs tea which is excellent for the altitude.
  • Tea and snack time every day (tea, coffee, wantan, popcorn and cracker).
  • Porters to carry the main luggage (all the equipment and cooking stock).
  • 02 Porters to carry your backpacks
  • First-aid kit and oxygen bottle.

Not included:

  • Breakfast on the first day and last lunch at the town of Machu Picchu.
  • Bus going downhill from Machu Picchu to Aguas Calientes where the train station is situated
  • Sleeping bag